Monday, 12 August 2013

Picture Post: Augmentation Mask

I guess despite not touching RAGs once, it's been a productive weekend. I really wanted to do a tech themed manip after the magic one, which as ChaosRevolver pointed out was just a bit OTT. I did go overboard trying out different techniques, didn't I?

The tubes were drawn using similar techniques as the complex tentacles, thick brush measured to the gas mask opening sizes and stroked along path. I then copied the background layer and masked the tube areas, applied some smart filters (blur and distort) to let the subject show through a bit. Unfortunately it didn't look that realistic, and it was a choice of doing ridges on the tubes and adding highlights and shadows, or making them glow.

Since glow sticks are totally making a comeback, the choice was obvious :)

Here's the original, which as you can see, is already pretty damn hot. Unfortunately I don't know the model, but it's from hotgrafx on deviantArt.


  1. You did a good job again. Original already has the full head mask hmm? I would have said that I personally would like it more if it would be a kind of visor that leaves the head and face partly free cause I´m not much into that gasmask kind of thing. Lol, I always find something to nag do I. Sorry.^^

    - CR -

    1. Not at all, you're commenting on your taste! I like your direct feedback always :)

      I'm not a massive gas mask fan myself, but the odd ones (like this) does push my buttons. I think it's the fact that it looks more helmet than mask.

      I love Callidus' visor work, and no doubt will try creating some in the near future ;)
