Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Fresh start and whatever happened to TPoC?

So earlier in the year I started what I knew was a somewhat abitious project of creating a multi-chaptered RAGs game, spent a few weeks on it, and then disappeared for six months.

Well, real life got in the way. I was going to write an apology after building up the hype for it. I had some ideas that I really wanted to see to fruitation, I wanted to be the new kid who's going to show everyone what untapped potential the RAGs engine has.

I chose to make my exit quietly, for personal reasons. Part of me was still tempted to return to the project, but after a month, two months, a season and the drive to return to something this big just fizzled out.

Luckily, although time will tell on this one, all is not loss. Captain came along with the Lilith Device and blew everyone away - a formula that worked perfectly for RAGs AND our fetish in Erotic Mind Control. Then DollMistress came along and really set the benchmark of what one can really do with RAGs.

I was utterly blown away by the sheer content in these games. However, as a programmer... what I saw as well were potentials and inspirations. Overseer planted the seeds to the mechanics in my little experiments with RAGs, and both gave me some directions in terms of what I really want to go with my next game - again, time will tell on this.

So I guess what I'm saying is, bear with me, and I'll post my progress as time goes by. I'll share some of the ideas I've developed so far, and some I'm planning on implementing - so even if I don't finish my project, someone else in the community will hopefully be able to take up on them.

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