So just to help me plan out my future posts, I'm putting down a list of ideas I'm currently working on or planning on experimenting with. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow, you guys are in charge!
- Dynamic Rooms
- Building your world with a simple array and some "On Leave" timers
- What to do with the Compass
- The compass sucks, we never knew what to do with it. In TPoC I decided to turn it into a mini-map of your current location. By let's take it further: how about a slightly larger map view (regional map) with a "you are here" dot?
- Forget about locked doors
- RAGs' door mechanics is a lot of work, unlock door (deactive unlock action), open door (check if it's locked or closed, change exit to active, deactivate open action), close door etc etc. Simplify this with "Enter" action which transports you to the next room if door's opened.
- Scheduled events
- Overlay stats
- Since most of us don't want to do the time consuming and often awful looking photoshop cutouts just to allow overlaying of images, we rarely utilise it. Well we all know the status bar is too limiting, so why not overlay some key stats on the bottom of the main media screen? Research barometer, Notoriety rating, equipped items.
That's it for now, more to come later, hopefully.
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